About Us

We Teach “Why”

Jonny Rocket has always believed it’s important to not just tell someone what to do, but also teach them why we do it. When you know why you’re doing something, you’re more inclined to do it really well! Understanding the concept motivates you to do your best. This philosophy leads to faster, more permanent progress as students embrace the subject matter.




Happy New Year

Let’s welcome 2024 with big smiles and awesome times in the water! Don’t forget to tune into the summer olympics to watch the best swimmers in the world compete. It’s going to be the fastest meet in history!


Winter Training

January marks a tradition in competitive swimming where athletes train their hardest all year. With championship season right around the corner, it’s important for every swimmer to have a firm technique as they tackle longer sets with higher intensity! Get lots of rest and eat plenty of fruits & veggies during this time.


Back At It

Happiest of New Years to all! We hope everyone remained safe and healthy through the holidays. We’re back to training in the pool and preparing for championship meet season! Let’s rock it.


New Year

2021 brought with it many new firsts for Rocket Swimming. Our online lessons became evermore popular while our YouTube channel views soared! Many of our swimmers finished their hardest training of the year in preparation for “championship season.” We’re expecting big things this year as we welcome all the new swimmers we’ve already had the pleasure of meeting!


Our Birth

Jonny had this crazy idea to bring private swimming instruction to people’s homes all over the world. Leaving his former YouTube channel of 131,000 subscribers and his coaching position with one of the most successful clubs in the world, he decided to get back to his roots – private lessons.

All on his own again, Jonny realized he was more equipped than before thanks to the experience he gained from coaching five different teams in the last seven years, all of which were champions in their respective leagues.


“Jonny Rocket” Songer


Jonny swam competitively for 15 years, and has coached for 15. Starting at just 15 years of age, he’s coached five teams to be league champions, as well as several olympic trials qualifiers. His passions include swimming, technology, teaching, and God.

Niraj Joshi


Niraj has been working with Jonny since 2018. Along with marketing strategies, Niraj helps create the content on Rocket Swimming’s YouTube channel. He lives near Mumbai, India allowing him to work the opposite hours as Jonny to keep everything running smoothly.
