How To  Improve   Your  Freestyle Stroke

Expert tips to enhance your freestyle stroke technique. 

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Proper Body Position 


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Maintain a horizontal position. Your body should be straight, with your head in line with your spine. 

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Keep your body as streamlined as possible to reduce drag. Extend your arm fully before beginning the pull. 

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Efficient Breathing 


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Rotate your head to the side to breathe. Ensure you don’t lift your head too high out of the water. 

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Don't raise your HEAD too high above the surface of the water else you will start sinking down.

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Arm  Movement 


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Focus on a high elbow during the recovery phase. Your hand should enter the water fingertips first. 

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Powerful  Kick 


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Use a steady, flutter kick from the hips. Your legs should stay close together with minimal knee bend. 

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Drills to Practice 


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Incorporate drills like catch-up, fingertip drag, and single-arm swimming to refine your technique. 

Practice consistently and stay patient. Improvement takes time, but with dedication, you’ll see results.